Convincing the Team to Build a Great Dockerfile

In the past, our Dockerfiles have lacked comments and clarity, making it hard for teammates to understand or update them. This has caused delays and frustration, especially when someone else had to step in after a few weeks. It often takes extra time to figure out what’s going on, slowing down our work and reducing efficiency.

Key Principles:

  1. Readability: A well-commented and structured Dockerfile allows anyone on the team to quickly understand what’s happening, saving time and frustration when changes or troubleshooting are needed.

  2. Maintenance & Simplicity: By keeping the Dockerfile simple and easy to maintain, we reduce future technical debt, ensuring that our build systems remain smooth and efficient over time.


  • More time for other work: Once we build a Dockerfile that’s efficient, readable, and well-maintained, we’ll all spend less time debugging and maintaining it. This frees up time to focus on more important tasks.

  • Being part of a fast, reliable build system: We can contribute to a streamlined system that boosts our productivity. Working with an easy-to-understand Dockerfile also reduces stress and enhances collaboration across the team.